Monday, January 24, 2011

Just Listen

Dearest Family and Friends,

This week has been good. Some amazing things are happening! They cut the Glasgow ward into pieces and made up two different wards (including another previous ward) and now there are the Glasgow and Springboig Wards (this isn't that new so I might have mentioned this previously).

However, what IS new is that we, Elder Barney and I, have officially become the second set of missionaries in Springboig, which means we have an early moves call (so to speak) and we will have to find a new flat in our newly re-designated area. It's exciting doing the work of the Lord. It will be an exciting new change, however I hope the change isn't too much; I'm enjoying having a tumble dryer for the first time in 14 months.

What was sad is our numbers got cut in half. Because of the new area border, we had to pass over all our investigators and appointments over to the Zone Leaders, which means their numbers sky rocketed and ours fell, but whose complaining ;D

I feel like I'm engaged in a work that will consume me if I let it. I've been working on that :D

We recently taught a family of 3 and they are such good people! They are currently praying about and reading the Book of Mormon. I pray that their desire and interest is sincere and that they will thereby qualify for the Lord's Blessing of a witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I've come to realize that our blessings are not only based upon our actions but much more upon our desires. Consider Mormon's example of giving a gift when you rather would have retained it? Likewise King Benjamin taught that we should say in our hearts "If we had, we would give".

So Desire counts for a lot. I think I already sent this home in an earlier email, but make sure you always watch your choices: what you choose to think, say, and do. Because while your desires help to influence your choices, your choices can change your desires. BEWARE! So that’s just something I’ve learned and seen out here.

I've learned also lately the importance of listening. Listening is key. You have to listen to people, and then listen again, and then listen some more. Because often times I know I would listen to the first sentence and then reply, and sometimes, without knowing it, we cut people off.

Yesterday at church I sat next to a lovely lady. I chatted with her before sacrament and sang along side her during. After sacrament meeting I asked if we could come visit them. They voiced some concerns with missionaries in the past who didn't come on time, or cancelled just minutes before. I listened and then they resolved their own concerns and invited us over. Then I asked if there was any specific message we should prepare. They said "oh no you don't need to share anything" and then I said "why not?!". Over the next few minutes she explained and then got into a true heartfelt conversation where she ended up crying.

Listening showed me that I never really know just how much someone may be hurting inside or how much they may need my help. Learn to listen.

Anyway, I love you all and hope all is well with you.

Elder Stephen Beacham

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Testimony of Joseph Smith

My testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith is a vast and quirky one and I don't know if I will have time to share it all with you. But I want you to know that I know He was and IS a Prophet of God, and furthermore He is the Prophet of the Restoration. There have been many prophets throughout the ages, but each at the beginning of a dispensation have been given a special calling. Elijah was given the keys of Sealing, Moses was given the keys of the gathering of Israel. When Jesus Christ was on the Mount of Transfiguration these two prophets came to testify to Jesus of His divine role (many people do not know, or do not believe, but Jesus Christ had to learn that He was Jesus Christ, just as we have to learn that we are children of our father in Heaven). Jesus Christ bestowed those keys upon Peter James and John. At the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, note how all those people had to be present. It was necessary. Even John the Baptist, a glorified, ressurected being, appeared and conferred the Aaronic Priesthood (A special, preparatory Priesthood, conferred upon Aaron and His seed; with John the Baptist, being the last worthy holder). The Prophet Joseph Smith testified of the importance of baptizing by correct Authority and stated that doing any such ordinance without proper authority might as well have been performed on a bag of sand for all the good it would do that individual.
Beyond that of Priesthood Authority, my testimony has grown in who I have found Joseph Smith to be. He was a man of integrity and a man of Faith. Most importantly he always acted out of Faith. There are two main opposites in the Universe (as I would see it) Faith and Fear. When you learn of the story of Joseph Smith's life, there was plenty to Fear, yet he stood firm in the Faith. There were plenty of times in Joseph Smith's life where he was imprisoned for months at a time and recieved no revelation or relief. Imagine trying to stay true to the gospel when you're imprisoned and fed disgusting food for months on end, and everytime you pray you get no answer. How long do you think you or I would last? As Job's wife counseled, would we rather "curse God, and Die?"
One of the last points which I will share with you will be that of the slander against the Prophet Joseph Smith. My Testimony is founded in God alone. No man can take it from me. When I want to know the truth of ANYTHING I kneel and pray and ask my father in heaven to tell me it is true. When I recieve THAT witness, then I know. Besides, What greater witness can you have than from God? I have heard about everything that I believe can be said against the Prophet Joseph Smith, some of it true, and some of it false. But, I have never come to the knowledge of it's fact or fiction until I have first followed the steps towards Revelation that my Father in Heaven wants me to follow.

God doesn't want me to know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet because everyone else said he was, or because he made a great church with helps thousands of people overcome great difficulties they face daily. God doesn't want me to know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet because he suffered great persecution, and followed exactly inline with what the Bible prophesies concerning the latter-day restoration.
God wants me to believe that Joseph Smith is His Prophet, because HE said so. Likewise, God wants me to know that the Book of Mormon is true, because HE said so, not because my parents said so, or my bishop, or my uncle, etc.
If you truly want to know whether He was a Prophet or not, pray about it. If you want to strengthen the testimony you already have, pray about it. If you want to know anything, pray about it. God answers prayers.
Ultimately, it's all very simple. If you call yourself a Christian then you believe in the fundamental princple of prayer. If you call yourself a seeker of truth than you believe in seeking the only source of pure, undiluted truth, God.

I spent 3 months in Dublin at the beginning of my mission. I taught a man named James McCann. He was the minister of another faith and spoke 7 languages (2 of which are dead languages). He was far more clever than myself. On 3 separate occasions he destroyed my testimony with his knowledge, and on 3 different occasions I rebuilt it through prayer and fasting, and THEN the knowledge came. About the 3rd time I was going to go back and show him how he was wrong (again) the spirit said to me: "are these answers for you, or for him?"
And it's that simple. I know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God because He told me so. I don't know everything, but I know that whenever someone can "prove" to me with facts something about the Prophet that I may not fully understand- I can pray and God will tell me again that He is a Prophet, and THEN the knowledge will come. Faith, Then Knowledge.
Anyway, that's kind of it in a nutshell. It's a simple Testimony, and I could talk alot, but really it's just cause God said so. That's what I try to get across to the people I meet.
I love you all so very much. Keep strong in each of your individual testimonies.

-Elder Stephen C Beacham

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Dearest Friends & Family,

There is nothing more un-motivating than getting sick for 4 days out of a week, having 2 of those days be holidays (non-working days) and then working one day and getting a total of 2 lessons for the entire week.... That is pretty un-motivating.

But we can turn our trying moments and our would-be "failures" into successes as we gain the knowledge and determination to press forward with an extra determined push of diligence.

Perhaps it was the pride before the fall but I was convinced that since I had already gotten sick with Elder Holcomb that I would not get sick again. In fact, I kept telling all the sick people that were lying around me on couches and all too soon it struck me and now I lay sick next to them.

But enough of that, there have been exciting things occurring in my smidgen of the universe! We had a former investigator re-contact their member friend and invite themselves to church! That was truly an amazing thing. Turns out she wants to get baptized, but as she is 15 she needs permission from her parents (who aren't willing to grant it); we're praying for her.

We also had a less active member break his ankle. I hope that it heals soon so that we can continue to invite him back to church J truly though I do hope that he recovers. He was only unable to attend because he was working on Sunday and just as the job finished off, he injured his ankle, so hopefully this obstacle will pass and we can get him to church.

On the 20th of December we watched “Remember the Titans” as part of a Zone Conference. After the movie we discussed the many differing and varying gospel principles, some of which were "we may not be perfect, but as a team we can be perfect" and "Attitude reflects leadership".

On the 24th of December we went to a mall called Princess Square in downtown Glasgow and sang in front of a lot of people. We sang for a total of an hour and a half and we raised over £1000 (approx. 2 grand USD) for the charity, quarriers. They work with disabled children and the likes that the government doesn't support.

On Christmas Day we were well fed at 2 members houses and then we spent the evening at the Neilds (a senior missionary couple in Glasgow) playing various board games and the like. On Tuesday I got sick and was sick through to the New Year (which destroyed my new year's resolution of not getting sick in 2011) and then I'm emailing you today telling you about my eventful journeys.

So that should kind of catch you up on what has been going on. The past while with the holidays hasn't really been optimal for teaching and as fun as it is... as missionaries, we are glad to see it done and out of the way! I suppose that's because we can't really do what we have been taught and trained to do. I mean, I spent new years eve sick with Elder Lee (from China) learning how to make various types of paper flowers. I can now say that I am a proficient maker of paper roses, however I can't say I've particularly saved anyone's soul as of late.

Anyway, I love and appreciate you all so much. I have never known more in my life than on my mission, that this church is true. I know that the gospel was restored to change people's lives for the better. So if you're looking for any sort of improvement, just look to the basic gospel truths and you will find it.


-Elder Stephen C Beacham